Where do I go to trademark something?
Trademark registrations get filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Organization (or the USPTO for short). The USPTO has an online trademark application, although there is also a paper-based application option.
The USPTO’s trademark website is found here: http://www.uspto.gov/trademarks/index.jsp
You can search existing trademarks, learn about the trademark process, read the USPTO Trademark Manual, read guides, the Official Gazette, look at trademark laws and regulations, contact the USPTO, and most important for us—file your application online!
The online application is found here: http://www.uspto.gov/trademarks/teas/index.jsp
The online application is called TEAS for short. (This stands for Trademark Electronic Application System.) Currently, three types of online applications exist—TEAS Plus, TEAS RF, and TEAS Regular (what used to be called just TEAS). There is also a paper filing option.
Each of these different filing options have different filing fees and different filing requirements.
The 4 Different Trademark Filing Options
Questions | TEAS Plus | REAS Reduced Fee (RF) | TEAS Regular | Paper Application |
What is the filing fee per class of goods/services? | $225 | $275 | $325 | $375 |
Is email correspondence required? | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Do subsequent filings have to be filed online through TEAS? | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Must you use the USPTO Trademark ID Manual in your identification of goods/services? | Yes | No | No | No |
Filing fees per class required to be paid upfront? | Yes | No | No | No |
Must your application include required statements (i.e. claim of ownership, color claims, etc.) up front? | Yes — see TMEP § 819.01 | No | No | No |
Do you have to pay additional processing fees if you don’t meet the relevant filing requirements for the option? | Yes — $50 per class of goods/services | Yes — $50 per class of goods/services | No | No |
Quick Links
Trademark Processing Fees: http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/ac/qs/ope/fee010114.htm#tm
Reduced Fees & TEAS Application Filing Options: http://www.uspto.gov/trademarks/teas/Reduced_Fees_Info.jsp
USPTO Online Trademark Application Page: http://www.uspto.gov/trademarks/teas/index.jsp